Time for Cloud POS… because your cash drawer is dead!

Retro cash register

Retro cash register

Gone are the days when you had to fight the business with the traditional cash registers. The food industry has now upgraded itself with online ordering, review websites and much more. When all of these lies on cloud do you think your business can cope up without a Cloud POS in place?

Here we give you more reasons on why your cash register needs a replacement with a Cloud based POS

Record transactions for a longer period

With cash drawers in place you cannot store data for a longer run. You have to put in a lot of manual effort to keep your data safe elsewhere

Manual KOT’s leading to erroneous orders

You customers are prone to be served with dishes different from what they order. Remember you are telling them indirectly not to visit you again

No real time reporting – if and when you want it

You will just have take decisions with your own assumptions. There is no data that tells what to plan for the next day or week

Lots of paper

Yes! Maintaining these would be the hardest of all. Right from masters to reports all in paper to help you break your head

It’s not over yet. A cash register not only affects your business but also your peace of mind too. It’s time you ring your sales with a Cloud POS to keep your peace intact