How to manage Schedule H1 drugs sales in pharmacy?

Key takeaways:

  • Learn the regulatory requirements for managing Schedule H1 drugs sales in pharmacies.
  • Understand how to maintain proper documentation and ensure compliance with legal standards.
  • Discover tools and practices to streamline tracking and reporting for Schedule H1 drug sales.

Our health and family welfare ministry notified an amendment to the Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1945, it says antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis drugs will not be sold over the counter (without a prescription). Pharmacist can manage it with GOFRUGAL POS software as it does not allow them to sell without doctor prescription for schedule H1 drugs (includes third and fourth generation antibiotics, anti tuberculosis medicines and 46 schedule H1 drugs list )


The schedule register in GOFRUGAL POS will prompt for serial number, bill number, doctor name and address, patient name & address detail, medicine name, quantity sold for the schedule h1 items

How to configure schedule H1 drug and categorize in POS software ?

GOFRUGAL POS >> In the item master >> category attributes >> medical item type, a new category 4 schedules(Hq)( has been added. The user has to select this category while mapping the items to the medical item type.

In Sales >> Miscellaneous >> Schedules Register, user has to select the option ‘Yes’ in the field ‘Yes – H1 Drug, No – Schedule drug’

Ayurvedic pharmacy ensures compliance with Schedule H1 regulations

While D G Ayurvedic Sangrah, a pharmacy in Mumbai, primarily deals with Ayurvedic medicines, they have leveraged Gofrugal’s pharmacy POS software to streamline their overall inventory and compliance processes. The software’s ability to track prescriptions, manage customer records, and ensure accurate sales records can easily be applied to Schedule H1 drug management in allopathic pharmacies. This allows pharmacies to maintain compliance with regulations, reduce unauthorized sales, and ensure all transactions are appropriately recorded for audits.


Read the detailed case study here -

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