Multiple Retail Store software
Multi-store retailing is an undeniable force right now; POS Technology is fundamentally changing the way people shop and challenging traditional bricks and mortar retailers. These changes to the multichannel retail open up both challenges and opportunities to supply chain managers and retailers. The benefits from effective multi-store management are far greater for the retailer than they are for the customer. However, the value of customer loyalty and making sales is the name of the game in today's climate“ the question is, how easily and profitably can they be completed through a POS software? The following challenges are what a Multi Store retailer faces on a daily basis –
- No consolidated screen access – They have to log in separately for every outlet each time he wanted to see the item list of a specific outlet. Imagine doing that for 30-40 outlets in different regions.
- No real time sync of created data and transactions - For a “fast selling always crowded” coffee hub, snacks bar or a restaurant, the challenge always is to have fast and real-time sync of created data and transactions. It is impossible to expect profitability in a chain business without it.
- No proper Inventory Management – No option for centralized inventory control that includes looking up stock data in each outlet live and real-time stock transfer from one outlet to the outlet. The amount of valuable time wasted on calls and mails to the outlets is only harmful for business. Time is Money.
- No notification for zero/less stock – Stores in chain businesses face a huge problem when suddenly required stock is not present in the inventory. A mail/sms getting auto-triggered whenever a particular item in the inventory becomes zero would be perfect in that situation.
- Centralized control over pricing change and promotions - One of the biggest pain-point is to login to every outlet page or again make calls/mails to change product pricing or to implement branch-wise offers and promotions.
- No cumulative reports dashboard - And finally, the huge concern is not having a master dashboard of all the branches at one screen for consolidated reports and sales analysis.
Gofrugal’s proven and robust cloud solution TruePOS multiple retail store software provides solution for all the above necessary requirements for a centrally controlled multi-outlet retail chain. We had the pleasure to showcase all the above mentioned features in TruePOS to retailers aiming to step up and digitalize their business. We gave him the power to sit back and monitor all his outlets from anywhere and anytime he wants, that too in real time.