Mobile App That Speaks!

EarnSmart speaks about its birth and mission

Hi Every One Out– There,

I’m EarnSmart and am just born… yes, i’m happy & relieved that I have been delivered alive… out at last!

Yes, i’m the proud fifth Mobile App from GoFrugal. I’m thrilled and feel fortunate to be born!

I guess, i have the resilience and immunity to survive and live-long , meeting all the odds and achieve the purpose of being here

Though I witnessed a lot of pain & struggle right from conceptualization to design and delivery, I truly enjoyed every moment of my evolution from “concept to product”

I know, i’m not crafted to absolute perfection. I have heard, only GOD can craft perfect products… say YOU for instance

Yes, for a moment just look at the mirror… can you believe that you were created inside a dark chamber where not even light or air can enter? You remained there for 10 months before being delivered. Do you realize that you deserve to be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the owner of a machine designed to unparalleled perfection? Don’t you feel great and thankful for being born a human world best hardware with an equally awesome software called the mind inside it? May be you have never looked at yourself like this before. If you haven’t, may be, I, EarnSmart, am telling you something new about yourself today… after all I am Earn Smart eh? I can already see you smiling, feeling good about yourself. And that’s what I supposed to do, make all my users feel good about themselves and their experience of doing business!

Though I am not as perfect as you are, I’m confident though, that I’m quite robust and capable of accomplishing the purpose of my birth, — stylishly and seamlessly enhance your business experience

I have been certified for quality by dozens of smart engineers and also by half a dozen smart customers of GoFrugal. I know for sure that, each of them is smarter than I am, and are way ahead of my limited IQ!

I’m so eager to get my space among thousands of Smart Mobiles, and to reach out to as many places and people as possible. I’m looking forward to serve my users and get them EXACTLY what they are looking for in business taste of Success and Delight!

My sincere thanks to all in GoFrugal Lab for their patience and perseverance in crafting and delivering me to the Market!

I start my journey today with great confidence. I am going to enjoy a grand roller coaster ride. I invite you to join me and experience the happiness & excitement as I take you to the heights of Success and Achievement that you have never imagined in your wildest dreams!

Thanking You for your patience and time, I remain Yours truly for a long long time to come…

~ EarnSmart!