Indian retailing is unique in its nature, unlike western world where businesses are similar in the processes & operations, Indian retailers operate in their unique way. For example, no two supermarket owners operate their business in the same way, a supermarket may have only groceries & packaged products, another supermarket may have Vegetables & fruits additionally, and another supermarket may sell meat outside their shop. So when they want to automate their business, right from sourcing to selling & accounts to customer relations, same software product may not be sufficient to fulfill their requirements. Not only for supermarkets, Apparel, restaurant, bakery, electronics, pharmacy all businesses are different either in the process or operations in one way or other.
If a retailer has a single store/outlet, the repercussions after buying software without clearly understanding how it supports its processes &operations may be little. But for a retailer with multiple stores in multiple locations problems can be compounding.
So as a software vendor, one has to study customer’s business requirements properly, understand the process and verify whether the software can meet the requirements or not. Also as a technology specialist, one has to advice customer the best practices to accelerate the growth of business.
GOFRUGAL, a pioneer in providing best business automation solutions to Indian Retailers & Food and beverages businesses, uses its unique solution delivery process to deliver its solutions to retailers.
Indian Retailers
Thorough study of the business requirements, verifying the fitment of solution to address the requirements, identifying gaps, if any and project implementation with UAT (User Acceptance Testing) are the major phases in its solution delivery process. By engaging customer in all the phases, GOFRUGAL helps customers in gaining confidence in the solution, thus helping Indian retailers to grow business.
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