4 simple menu tips to increase your sales on food aggregator platforms

With rising competition, every-day restaurants need to stay on top of their game to make the best of their online presence. Online ordering trends change every day and customers in most cases know the cuisine, dish that they are craving for and place the order quickly. Restaurants listed on aggregator platforms need to have their menu attractive so customers place an order with them in the first go. We studied some of the top-performing restaurants on food aggregator portals and identified certain tips that any restaurant can follow to increase their online sales.

1. On their mind, before it’s on the plate!

Your customers are likely to place an order if you help them visualise what they are going to have! 

High order grossing restaurant have a great description of an item on their menu. While Writing the description of an item it is important to add adjectives to describe the item and help the customer visualize the item before they place an order. Steaming hot sizzler, juicy tender chicken, made fresh out of farm etc such adjectives adds more curiosity to place the item into the cart, restaurants such as KFC or McDonald’s are a classic example

attractive images win more orders on food aggregator platforms

6 out of 10 customers are likely to try a dish out if they can see the item on the menu with the right description. Human minds function well if we can visualize the things we are about to have and that is one of the key reasons why food photography is something restaurants pay keen attention to. 

These attractive images of the dishes at your restaurant can help you win the mind share of your customers and push them into making the order. Online food aggregators are proactively helping restaurants get the images of the dishes in the menu, If you still are not able to get the image you might want to try stock image sites for the dish’s image.

2. Guide them to taste your best 

Now that you have a sleek menu with attractive images its time to use the tools on the food aggregators platform to get the customer to push the items into the cart. Both swiggy and zomato have recommendations segment where the restaurants can keep their best. 

Customers are likely to place an order from recommendations and bestsellers than from the actual menu.

Recommendation section is a guide to customers on food aggregator platform

Interestingly, both these menus are placed on top of your normal restaurant menu which makes it the first set of items that the customer sees before placing an order. The items under these categories can be listed directly by your swiggy/Zomato sales manager, ensure to have your best placed under these two segments to get recurring customers.

3. Ride those seasonal offer waves

Discounts and offers are easily the main selling point for someone to place an order online and it is no myth that you can get more online orders by running them at your restaurant. In recent times customers are so used to discounts that for a restaurant to get an order without it has become a mammoth task.

2 in 5 customers place an order irrespective of discounts offered if they have acquired the restaurant’s taste 

offers win orders on food aggregator platform

Both Swiggy and zomato have pre-planned marketing plans that run offer/discounts based on seasons. Restaurants that get on board such plans do see a rise in their online business. Watch out for such waves, your SPOC at swiggy/Zomato can help you get on board.

4. Keep your menu fresh and crispy, just like your starters.

If you observe some of the top-rated restaurants online, you will see that the categories of the items listed are clearly communicated and does not leave the customer puzzled. A common myth with restauranters is that listing more number of items online can help them get more online orders but it is actually counter-intuitive. 

Customers do not have the patience to go through a long list of items like they do when they dine in as they are looking for a quick fix of their meal. 

Speaking of a quick meal and the reduced time spent by customers, restaurants that have attractive combos listed on their menu tend to help customers make decisions quicker and thus get more orders. Unlike E-commerce sites where the customer is browsing the list for endless time, customers on food aggregator portals are like looking to grab a bite in the next 45-60 mins and menu items such as Chinese combo, a meal for 2 does the trick.

Help customers make decisions with easy combos!

The lesser you make the customer think and make a complete offering, he is likely to place an order with your restaurant.

Now that you have a basic set of hacks to get more orders to your restaurant, you will need a single portal to do all these actions. We at Gofrugal ServeEasy ensure to provide seamless integration for your restaurant with any food aggregator in the market. Be it a QSR, Cloud kitchen or a normal restaurant our food aggregator solution fits in just fine. Talk to our expert today to know more about how our solution can help you increase your online orders.

Streamline orders from any food aggregator