“I want to run my business with a cloud based solution…No, wait! I cannot rely on internet all time, as internet connectivity issues & Electricity fluctuations are quite common and I do not want daily operations of my stores get affected due to these issues. So preferably I want a cloud based solution to monitor & control my business anywhere, anytime and want an on-premise solution for my stores to run without any interruptions.” These excerpts are becoming common demand of Chain Retailers today especially in India. Though we are in the age of “Internet of things, in India, we have to wait for few more decades to experience uninterrupted power supply and hassle-free internet connection.
So let me brief you about what this Hybrid solution is all about. GOFRUGAL’s HQ (Head-Quarter) solution is a multi-location retail pos which helps retailers to run their chain of stores/outlets with complete visibility on daily operations and control over business
Chain Retail Solution
Solution contains majorly following components –
1.HQ (On-cloud )
2.RPOS/Store level solution (On-premise)
3.NetTrade (EDI tool)
HQ: When a Retailer is having multiple outlets in different locations, he cannot be physically present in all outlets and run his business. So he needs a solution which lets him run his entire business from a single location. GOFRUGAL’s HQ does exactly that. Being a browser based solution, Retailer can monitor his business and take strategic decisions at any point of time from anywhere
RPOS:Retail Point of Sale system is a standalone solution at stores, which takes care of all store operations, right from billing, inventory, purchase, returns etc. Being an On-premise solution, it does not require an internet connection to function. Internet is required only for data transfer from store to head-office solution (HQ)
NetTrade: NetTrade is an EDI(Electronics Data Interchange) tool developed by GOFRUGAL. It acts as a messenger between stores & Head-office. And the USP of NetTrade is Incremental data transfer. User can customize the time interval in which data transfer has to happen. Data gets accumulated during that interval and gets transferred to head-office after the interval at one shot. It helps in no data loss due to internet connectivity issues and issues like system getting hanged will be mitigated to the great extent
Having a solution like GOFRUGAL’s HQ is need of the hour for retailers who are having and will be having multiple outlets in India & emerging markets. To see the demo of the solution Click Here